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Latest from the Blog

Post Modern Era Blog Post!

Hello everyone and welcome to this weeks blog post. I will be talking about three artists from the Post Modern Era, and discussing two works of art from each of them. Enjoy 🙂 Art in Movies Nick Gindraux and Ryan Church are two amazing artists who worked together to create story boards for the TV…

Early Modern Blog!

Hello everyone and welcome back to this weeks blog! I am crunched on time between work, school, and life, so there won’t be as much of an intro this week, but I hope you can enjoy my interpretation of some art that I really enjoyed learning about! The Influence of The Great Depression The Great…

Romantic Era Blog by Aaron Schrage

Intro Hello and welcome to my Romantic Era Blog post! For this exploration in the world of art, I chose to compare the styles of Impressionism with Post-Impressionism. I found these both to be very fascinating. Impressionist art is definitely my favorite style of all the ones we learned abou1t this week. While I really…

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